A Little About Chakras

The universe and everything in it is made of energy. If you were to take a quantum scope to view the structure of a piece of wood, human skin or water. What you will discover is that there is space between atoms. So what’s holding them together? and how is it that our skin resists, most, punctures if this is true. The energy in magnetism holds them together. They operate at a quantum level as such need very little energy to operate.

In electronics, there is a correlation between the amount of energy a device uses to its small size. Today, batteries in cellphones last days compared to hours several years ago. Our bodies give off such low EMF that it’s hardly noticed. In the quantum realm, the laws of reality does not exist. The laws of gravity do not work the same in the quantum realm.

Thought, speech, movement and so on is made of energy. Energy at quantum is neither positive, nor negative. It is perfect. Also, energy cannot be destroyed. It can be transmuted into something else, but never destroyed. When paper burns in a flame it’s transmuted into something else, like fire, smoke, heat, gas, etc.

Energy can be manipulated to do work or to manifest itself in various forms, such as a finger or arm. The invisible becomes visible.

All earthly manifestations first existed as energy. In eternity or what is called the universe. In your earthly body exists patterns and systems that mimic the solar system. Nerves, hair, the patterns or design of the eyes exists everywhere in nature.

Energy and consciousness are the same thing. Energy is the quantitative property that has to be transferred to an object in order to perform work on another object. Consciousness or the quantum mind, it posits that quantum-mechanical phenomena may play a important role in brain function and explains consciousness as energy. In this sense, chakra energy also influences aspects of our consciousness.

Chakras are concentrated points of energy. When all the chakras are healthy they are bright and clear in color and energy from the aura flow through them without hindrance. Chakras are a fragment of a much larger energy field called the human auric field. The auric energy is a colorful dynamic field of energy that, pulsates, vibrates, surrounds and spreads throughout the human body. It is in constant motion like a pulsating cloud of energy that mutates from moment to moment, from thought to thought, and feeling to feeling.

Every person or animal has an auric energy field. This energy field allows humans to connect to other people, animals, people in the world around them, and the entire universe through the energy body. The physical body is seen as an object contained inside the aura. This clay body is simply the heaviest aspect of our earthly being. We are mostly energy. Your thoughts and memories are also energy. The aura more accurately represents who you really are and is responsible for maintaining the form your body takes.

The chakras play a very important role in your energy body because they connect your dense physical body to your lighter auric energy field. If the Chakras are blocked. Energy from your aura will be restricted and may or may not make it to your physical body. Symptoms of blocked chakras appear, in the physical body, as illness and disease. When energy is being impeded the opposite occurs. Their colors are dull. The restriction of energy creates imbalances in the body, which cause systems in the body to be affected.

Because everyone has an auric energy field and memories are stored in them. Everyone has access. A person who has intuition or psychic skills can “read” people. This done by tuning into a persons auric fields or their chakras. This makes it possible for psychics to “discern”, “see”, “glimpse” memories, emotional states, past lives, and all kinds of information from the auric fields and the chakras.

Visualization during meditation is key to bringing your awareness to these central points of energy found within your body. Chakras are the energy centers that control or influence the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing and your well-being. Each chakra is associated with certain colors, organs, emotional and physical states, elements, sounds, and other things. Chakras are the keys to attaining advanced levels of spiritual development.