It is said that the pineal gland is MOST ACTIVE twice during everyone’s life.
The pineal gland works in many ways like a doorway between the spirit and physical world. The pineal gland is responsible for your conscious and unconscious states. Although it is deep in the brain, it is sensitive to light energy.
Bad sleep habits are a common problem for the pineal gland’s inability to release melatonin and syncing your bodies natural clock which is responsible for putting you to sleep. Your eyes are one way to send chemical and electrical messages to the pineal gland. When your eyes register less light, meaning it is getting dark; the pineal gland is signaled to start producing melatonin.
With modern conveniences of LED, fluorescent lights, computers, mobile phones and TV screens your eyes receive a lot of light at night. As the body is winding down, the pineal gland is expecting a message to put you to sleep.