Make your own Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland. This hormone inhibits melanin formation in response to darkness. It is responsible for helping you keep your circadian rhythms with time and sleep. Being exposed to light at night can block melatonin production.

cause of sleep Problems

As a software developer my career involves solving problems. Sometimes a problem that needs solving isn’t familiar to me and involves thinking in a different way. My experience from these types of situations is that I find it hard to disengage my thinking when I leave work. Taking a stressful day home and not disengaging means my body is constantly releasing stress hormones which means I am wide awake when I don’t want to be

These types of experiences create problems when I need to fall asleep. Additional stress is added to my life when I arrive at work I’m tired and not thinking clearly. I notice others solving their situation by holding a StarBucks coffee. So I bought a cup to hold. I figure I’d try coffee or tea to keep me alert like everyone else.

The caffeine solved my alertness during the day, but as the day ended the coffee wore off and was replaced with anxiety. I felt that there were so many things I should be solving, and the thought of those things kept me awake at night. I’ve tried over the counter supplements to help me sleep.

Over the counter melatonin allowed me to sleep through the night but getting up in the morning was a struggle. When I arrive at work I feel that I’m not all there, so I drink coffee to keep me awake. As the day progresses and new problems surface. I find myself fighting an endless battle and putting my health at risk.

Because I didn’t release the stress of the previous day, I went home with more. Hence the endless cycle. Eventually neither the coffee or over the counter melatonin would work and I’d eventually crash and burn. Which means taking sick time from work so that I can get the proper sleep I need.

The Duality of the human body

The human brain has two of everything except the pineal gland. The pineal gland is located deep within the brain. Despite being located in darkness; with the eyes closed or covered the pineal gland is sensitive to light. Chakras are defined as energy centers within an invisible field of energy surrounding the subtle body. The chakras are attached to different parts of the human anatomy. The pineal gland and crown chakra are connected. The location of the crown chakra is the top of the head. Wisdom and peace of mind are the outcomes from a balanced crown chakra. The outcomes from a depleted charak is skepticism, difficulty thinking clearly. The outcomes from an overly charged crown chakra is the feeling of superiority to others, dreamy or not present.

The Third Eye Chakra sits center and just above of your eyebrows. It is the same spot that pentecostal preachers anoint with oil and lay hands when praying for people.

The pineal gland plays an important role in meditation (MEDITATION: to engage in mental exercise for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness) and reaching enlightenment ( is when your desires and sufferings are gone).

When you go in and out of consciousness you are activating/deactivating the pineal gland by falling asleep (unconscious) or waking up (conscious).

It is said that the pineal gland is MOST ACTIVE twice during everyone’s life.

  1. The moment you arrive into this world (e.g. becoming conscious)
  2. At the moment of death (e.g. becoming unconscious).
The pineal gland works in many ways like a doorway between the spirit and physical world. The pineal gland is responsible for your conscious and unconscious states. Although it is deep in the brain, it is sensitive to light energy.

Bad sleep habits are a common problem for the pineal gland’s inability to release melatonin and syncing your bodies natural clock which is responsible for putting you to sleep. Your eyes are one way to send chemical and electrical messages to the pineal gland. When your eyes register less light, meaning it is getting dark; the pineal gland is signaled to start producing melatonin.

With modern conveniences of LED, fluorescent lights, computers, mobile phones and TV screens your eyes receive a lot of light at night. As the body is winding down, the pineal gland is expecting a message to put you to sleep.

Since there is too much light, the body and the pineal gland becomes out of sync; and if the pineal gland doesn’t the get messages that it’s time to start producing melatonin because it is still light. Health problems can become a serious issue if this pineal gland is not healthy.

Insomnia is related to poor sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of exercise, chronic illness, or certain medications. one outcome from the pineal gland becoming ill. The pineal gland is your gateway to the spiritual world.

Changing my habits

One solution that I find that works for me is to avoid bright lights and to use candles for light for at least 1 hour before I go to bed.

Doing this helps my eyes to focus on sending the right queues or message to my pineal gland, its getting late, so that it can create the right amount of melatonin I need to fall asleep.